BGAS Grade 2/3 Model Multiple Choice question & answers - Part 7

151.        Why steam cleaning is not conducive the oil and gas industry?

a)            Require electricity

b)            Need more water

c)            Require heat source

d)            Highly expensive

152.        Air/Abrasive stream is using water approx.

a)            One and a half litre /min

b)            Need more water

c)            Two litre/min

d)            Three litre / min


153.        Sometimes use flame cleaning at site, what should be followed?

a)            Approval site engineer

b)            Once get approval from client

c)            Using wire brushing grades

d)            Not to be used oil and gas industry


154.        The blasting hose should be carbon impregnated?

a)            Under direct operator control for his/her own safety

b)            To reduce the chance of the operator getting shock form static

c)            Black color gives good look

d)            Carbon hose increase the speed of abrasive speed


155.        How much air supplied, if nozzle size is ½ inch

a)            450 cfm

b)            413 cfm

c)            100 cfm

d)            220 cfm


156.        Which of the recommended stand-off distance and speed at which the abrasive leaves a                           Venturi Nozzle?

a)            450 mm and 200 mph

b)            220 mm and 450 mph

c)            220 mm and 220 mph

d)            450 mm and 450 mph


157.        Compared to a Venturi Nozzle, a straight bore nozzle would give

a)            Better paint application

b)            More speed

c)            Larger area coverage

d)            Greater accuracy


158.        Operating pressure at

a)            200 psi

b)            450 psi

c)            100 psi

d)            220 psi


159.        What safety requirement covered for blasting equipment used?

a)            HASAWA

b)            COSHH

c)            EPA

d)            IGE/SR21



160.        IGE SR 21 is associated with

a)            Gas Plant Manufacture

b)            Handling of Methanol

c)            Abrasive Blasting Safety

d)            Using of Sand Abrasive


161.        Burnishing will produce by 

a)            Needle gun

b)            Wire brush

c)            Emery cloth

d)            Grinders


162.        Which one is not associated with wet blasting?

a)            Spark free

b)            Profile roughness

c)            Remove Toxic contents

d)            Remove Soluble Salts


163.        High pressure water blasting operates up to which pressure?

a)            100 psi

b)            10,000 psi

c)            250 psi

d)            30000 psi


164.        High pressure water plus abrasive injection operates up to which pressure?

a)            100 psi

b)            20,000 psi

c)            250 psi

d)            30000 psi


165.        Low pressure water plus abrasive injection operates up to which pressure?

a)            100 psi

b)            20,000 psi

c)            250 psi

d)            30000 psi


166.        Which type of the cleaning not allowed in the Oil and Gas industry?

a)            Dry abrasive

b)            Water jetting

c)            Steam cleaning

d)            Hand and power tool


167.        Which application not in hand and power tool?

a)            wire brushing

b)            needle gunning

c)            grinding

d)            None of the above


168.        Wire brushes used for BGas hand & power tool cleaning, must be made from which material?

a)            Tungsten or Stainless steel

b)            Copper or Brass

c)            Beryllium Bronze or Phosphor Bronze

d)            The same material as the pipe


169.        A typical remedy for burnishing would be.

a)            Power brushing

b)            Emery paper or similar

c)            Needle gun

d)            Addition of thinners


170.        Very coarse profile will occurs when

a)            High pressure Water blasting

b)            Flame cleaning

c)            Dry Abrasive blasting

d)            Needle Gunning


171.        Phosphor Bronze/Beryllium Bronze refers to

a)            Sparking Alloys

b)            Non Sparking Alloys

c)            Alloys of Nickel

d)            Ferroalloys


172.        Which of the hand and power tool equipment not allowed in the Gas industry? 

a)            Phosphor bronze

b)            Beryllium bronze

c)            Grinding wheel

d)            Emery cloth

173.        Which grade is not having photographs in wire brushing?

a)            Rust Grade B

b)            Rust Grade C

c)            Rust Grade A

d)            Rust Grade D


174.        Which one factor is not flame cleaning? 

a)            Expansion

b)            Dehydration

c)            Heat penetration

d)            Passivation


175.        Phosphate process of steel structure is termed as

a)            Expansion

b)            Passivation

c)            Cathodic protection

d)            Salt Detection


176.        Which of the following do not belong to the Footners Duplex System?

a)            Chromic Acid or Phosphoric acid

b)            Sulphuric Acid

c)            Iron Sulphates and Iron Chloride

d)            Iron fillings


177.        Chemical cleaning is another name for

a)             Silver nitrate test

b)             Potassium ferry cyanide test

c)             Pickling

d)             Copper sulphate test

178.        Concentration and temperature of sulphuric acid in pickling process

a)            5-10% , 65-70 oC and 5-25 minutes

b)            65-70% , 5-10oC and 5-20 minutes

c)            2%, 80oC and 5-25 minutes

d)            80%, 65-75 oC and 5-20 minutes


179.        Concentration and temperature of phosphoric/chromic acid in pickling process

a)            5-10% , 65-70 oC and 5-25 minutes

b)            2% , 80 oC and 1-2 minutes

c)            2%, 80oC and 5-25 minutes

d)            80%, 65-75 oC and 5-20 minutes


180.        What is pH?

a)            Percentage of Hydrogen

b)            Percentage of Helium

c)            Potential of Hydrogen

d)            Potential of Helium


181.        Which pH range covers Acids?

a)            7 to 14

b)            0 to 7

c)            0 to 14

d)            5 to 10


182.        Which pH range covers Alkalinity?

a)            7 to 14

b)            0 to 7

c)            0 to 14

d)            5 to 10


183.        When measuring acidity, alkalinity, distilled water has a pH value is?

a)            1

b)            3.5 to 4.5

c)            0 to 14

d)            7


184.        Which PH range is required after chemical cleaning of steel substrate?

a)            7

b)            7 - 14

c)            4.5 – 7

d)            0


185.        What is the neutral figure on the pH scale?

a)            7

b)            7 - 14

c)            4.5 – 7

d)            0


186.        What is the main cause of flash rusting on a substrate?

a)            Rogue Peaks

b)            Moisture

c)            Hackles

d)            Hygroscopic salts


187.        Inclusion is defect related to

a)             Rogue peak

b)             Lamination

c)             Hackle

d)             High thickness profile


188.        If Profile thickness is higher than specified, result will be

a)            Rash rusting

b)            Cause Paint adhesion

c)            Blisters

d)            Mill scale


189.        Where would you normally use a comparator gauge?

a)            At CP system reference point

b)            To determine surface roughness

c)            Check for correct pre-heat prior to application of FBE

d)            To assess the rust Grade of a material.

190.        Wet abrasive blast cleaning of a surface should be followed by dry abrasive blast cleaning?

a)            Only as directed by the engineer

b)            To remove the surface profile created by the wet process

c)            Because the immediate oxidation of the substrate after wet blasting must be removed

d)            Does not required


191.        Un fused area in steel is _____________

a)            Sliver

b)            Rogue Peak

c)            Hackle

d)            Pinhole


192.        Lamination found must referred to

a)            Engineer

b)            Site inspector

c)            Contractor

d)            Project Manager


193.        Which of the recommended stand-off distance and speed at which the abrasive leaves a                           Straight bore Nozzle?

a)            450 mm and 200 mph

b)            220 mm and 450 mph

c)            220 mm and 220 mph

d)            450 mm and 450 mph


194.        Surface profile thickness assets by

a)            The Comparators

b)            Dial micrometer and needle gauge

c)            Dial micrometer with replica tape

d)            Digital surface needle gauge


195.        Every 1psi drop in pressure results in an efficiency drop of 

a)            2 psi

b)            1 ½ psi

c)            3 psi

d)            None


196.        Enclosed blasting chambers are used because 

a)            They protect other people and equipment from blast scatter

b)            They are cheap to set up

c)            They provide adequate surface profile

d)            They normally use expendable abrasives


197.        Burnishing needs to be treated by

a)            Needle gun

b)            Wire brushes

c)            Grinders

d)            Emery cloth


198.        Enclosed system is

a)            Water blasting

b)            Wheelabrators

c)            Flame cleaning

d)            Hand and power tool


199.        Open blasting system is

a)            Water Jetting

b)            Wheelabrators

c)            Flame cleaning

d)            Chemical process


200.        Mill scale removed by

a)            Use needle gun

b)            Bristle on the brushes

c)            Water Jetting

d)            Dry blasting


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