BGAS Grade 2/3 Model Multiple Choice question & answers - Part 1
1. Corrosion is defined as :
a) Rusting of Cathode
b) Oxidation of iron in contact with water
c) Degradation of a material by chemical or electrochemical
d) Break down of metal by hydrogen
2. What is an electrolyte?
a) It is a mixture of Salts and water
b) A substance which will conduct electricity and cause rusting
c) Oxidation liquid which will attack steel
d) A substance which will conduct a current and be broken down
by it.
3. The degradation of material by chemical or electrochemical means is:
a) Pickling followed by passivation
b) Acid cleaning
c) Corrosion
d) An Electrolyte
4. Is the electrical circuit in a corrosion reaction?
a) AC
b) DC
c) Negative charge
d) Positive Charge
5. Hydrogen is evolved at
a) The anode at all times
b) The cathode at all times
c) The cathode as a by-product of the corrosion reaction
d) The anode as corrosion takes place
6. Positively charged area
a) Anode
b) Cathode
c) Electrolyte
d) Electron
7. Negatively charged area
a) Anode
b) Cathode
c) Electrolyte
d) Electron
8. What are three elements needed for corrosion to occur?
a) Hydrogen, Oxygen, Water
b) Electron, Proton, Neutron
c) Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte
d) Temperature, Salt, Acid
9. Water will be drawn through the film and the resulting solution
builds up a pressure under the film forced to form
a) Blister
b) Micron
c) Sulphates
d) Chloride
10. Hygroscopic blisters are called
a) Sulphates
b) Chlorides
c) Pinhead size water filled
d) Corrosion
11. Presence of oxygen into the Cathodic reaction the Number of Hydroxyl
ions doubles
a) Sulphates
b) Double the corrosion rate
c) Pinhead size water filled
d) Corrosion not occur
12. Another name for the Galvanic List, is
a) The Corrosion list
b) Electro Negative List
c) Electrical Corrosive properties series
d) Electro motive Forces Series
13. Two examples of hygroscopic salts would be
a) Iron phosphates and Iron Chromates
b) Iron Chordates and Iron Oxides
c) Iron Sulphates and Iron Chlorides
d) Iron Sulphates and Iron Silicates
14. If Zinc and Aluminium were in close contacts, in the presence or
a) Aluminium would corrode
b) They would corrode equally
c) Zinc would corrode
d) None of the above
15. MEM’s are also known as
a) Moisture Enriched Materials
b) Metal Eating Microbes
c) Maximum Evolved Moistures
d) Material Electron Mobility
16. SRB’s are also known as
a) Salts Reducing Bacteria
b) Substrate Reducing Bacteria
c) Solid Reducing Bacteria
d) Sulphur Reducing Bacteria
17. The factors which can affect the rate corrosion are
a) Temperature, Time and Coating system
b) Bi-Metallic contact, Hygroscopic Salts and Bacteria
c) Coating system, Pipe diameter and Ultra Violet Light
d) Blasting Grades, Rust Grades and surface profile
18. The thickness of Mill scale is
a) 25 µm to 100 µm
b) 100 to 150 m
c) Zero
d) Dependent upon the material thickness
19. The three compressed oxides which from Mill scale are
a) Iron Oxide, Rust and Iron Sulphate
b) Wusite (FeO), Hematite (Fe3O4) and Magnetite (Fe2O3)
c) Iron sulphate, Iron Chloride and Iron Phosphate
d) RSC, RSJ and RSA
20. Name of sub atomic particles
a) Proton, Neutron, Electron
b) Micron, poron, Moron
c) Wusite, Hematite and Magnetite
d) Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte
21. Which of the following is the best noble metal?
a) Magnesium
b) Tungsten
c) Mill scale
d) Zinc
22. Which is cathode in corrosion?
a) Water
b) Oxygen
c) Substrate
d) Electrons released
23. Which one is more noble?
a) Silver
b) Steel
c) Magnesium
d) Zinc
24. Fe++ is ______________
a) An atom
b) Molecule
c) Iron Ion
d) Iron Substrate
25. Which one is not a compound in mill scale?
a) FeO
b) Fe2O3
c) Fe2 O4
d) Fe3O4